How Building Engineers Can Benefit From 3D Laser Scanning

3D laser scanning offers many benefits to building engineers. 3D laser scanning technology is being used more often for site surveys, as both 3D laser scanners can increase accuracy across a project site, and create 3D models of the entire area. 3D laser scans also provide data that can be used to predict how different surfaces and spaces will behave under the pressure of a load. 3D laser scans also help engineers and building owners plan efficiently on how spaces and shapes will respond to forces, such as those produced by heavy equipment or weather changes. At Hive Virtual Plant, we make it our mission to provide our clients with as much information about 3D laser scanning technology as possible. In this article, we share some information about how building engineers can benefit from the technology.

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3D models.

One of the most important laser scanning technology benefits for building engineers is 3D models. 3D models provide a digital representation of a scanned area that can be easily integrated into 3rd party software and then shared with team members across different locations and departments. They help architects study and visualize designs before they are built, allowing engineers to see how the data fits into the overall design of a building. 3D models also allow engineers to better understand how spaces and shapes will respond to forces, such as those produced by heavy equipment or weather changes.

Project management and observation.

3D scanning benefits building engineers because laser scanners produce accurate on-site data versus manual measurement. 3D scanning allows teams to cross-reference 3D scanned data with other 3D project models and site plans. It also provides building engineers with real-time 3D data that can be used for observation and collaboration before a structure is built. 3D scanning produces models that can be shared across space and time, allowing teams to better understand how site data will fit into the overall project model before construction begins. 3D scanning technology also helps engineers see how 3D scanned data fits into the overall design of a building.

Reduce risk.

The application of 3D laser scanning technology on-site makes 3rd party 3D models more accurate, which reduces risk on all sides. 3D laser scanners produce more accurate scanned data than manual measurement, which helps teams to better understand how 3D scanned data fits into the overall project model before construction begins. 3D scanning technology also helps engineers see 3D scanned data before construction begins, allowing them to better understand spatial relationships and design intent before they are built into the project.

To learn more about how building engineers can benefit from 3D laser scanning technology, we encourage you to get in touch with our team at Hive Virtual Plant today. 

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