How to get the best results with 3D laser scanning

If you are considering using 3D laser scanning equipment on your job site but you are wondering how you can get the best results, then you have come to the right place at Hive Virtual Plant. At Hive VP, we are experts when it comes to 3D laser scanning equipment and applications. There are many things that you can do to make sure that you are getting the best results with your 3D laser scanning equipment on your job site. In this article, by Hive Virtual Plant, we share some information about how you can get the best results with 3D laser scanning. 

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Create a map of the area you are going to scan 

Creating a map of the area that you are going to scan will provide you with a full guide. Using a pencil and a sheet of paper, create yourself a scanned map where you’ll mark out each scan location. The scanned map can be used to keep track of which areas have been scanned and when you’re ready to begin your scan alignment. A scan map is an excellent reference for knowing which scans connect or have overlapping data.

Avoid scanning people 

Make sure that there are no people in the way when you are scanning your job site. If a person is present for the laser scanning process, and the laser picks them up, the person will block the area behind them preventing the laser from detection. Your data will be skewed if this happens and you will need to re-scan that area. 

Do not remove or alter objects on the Jobsite 

Every item captured by your laser scanner is going to be useful in the registration process, therefore it’s important that the location of each item matches from one scan to the next. When objects are moved, a scan registration will have a harder time finding exact matches between scans.

Avoid setting up your 3D laser scanner on soft ground or vibrating ground 

It is essential to make sure that you are setting up your 3D laser scanner on solid ground with a good base. You do not want to scan your job site when the laser scanner is vibrating or on uneven ground. This will result in skewed data and incomplete readings. 

To learn more about how to get the best results with 3D laser scanning, we encourage you to get in touch with our team at Hive Virtual Plant. Click here to find our contact information or speak with a representative.