3D Laser Scanning for Engineering 

3D laser scanning is one such tool that’s becoming an increasingly viable option for surveyors, spatial scientists, and engineers looking to streamline processes and operate more efficiently. At Hive Virtual Plant, we provide our clients with high-end 3D laser scanning technology and services. Our 3D laser scanning technology is provided by Leica Geosystems, and it can significantly improve efficiency in the engineering sector. In this article by Hive Virtual Plant, we share some information about 3D laser scanning for engineering. 

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3D laser scanning provides cost savings 

Using 3D scanning dramatically reduces the need for follow-up visits to view and record additional details since many of the project requirements are developed and reviewed off-site. Having eliminated human error from the offset, engineers can work more efficiently without concerning themselves with duplication or missed measures.

Provides a data-rich analysis 

The new software allows engineers to check an entire project for errors in significantly less time than without the technology. Furthermore, significant data may be collected in a variety of ways: from a distance, on the ground, or even in adverse weather conditions. The data collected can then be viewed in a 3D space back at the office, allowing clients involved in the project to get a real view of the site without actually having to physically visit the area.

Long term benefits 

As a project evolves, the data collected through 3D laser scanning can be compared against new drawings for quality assurance. Using laser scanning throughout the entire process means the new development will have data recorded for key stages in the project’s progression. This information monitoring and capture are helpful after construction is completed and during maintenance of the site. Site managers can also quickly revert back to the data whenever they need clarification or reference. 

3D laser scanning can yield many benefits in the engineering sector. If you are looking to find more information about this, we encourage you to get in touch with a Hive Virtual Plant representative today.

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